
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


The Attachment block in the Activity Editor has been improved Users can now drag files into the attachment block. This feature helps users organize their files within a Course and Activity by dragging and dropping files, instead of having strictly on file upload features.
To improve accessibility options IllumiDesk now includes the option to convert text in an activity to audio with a click of a button.
Previously, Campus Owners could only invite Instructors and Students to a Course. Now Campus Owners can invite other Campus Admins to their Campus so that they can create courses, invite Instructors and Students, manage the Context Manager, among other tasks.
To invite additional Campus Admins, navigate to the Campus -> Members section and invite one or multiple users in batch.
Added new icon to clarify that image sizes are resizable in the Activity Editor.
Users can now resync their updated Conext Manager -> Context Label documents with a button! Previously, users had to delete their Context Label and create a new one if their documents were changed or updated.
This feature also helps users sync their new or updated Conext Label documents on a scheduled basis using the IllumiDesk REST API.
When toggling to the next student's submission the button was not displaying the next student's submission for a submitted activity. This has now been fixed, which allows Instructors to quickly view submitted activities for an assignment.
Custom images were sometimes not showing up correctly after adding a custom image, publishing the campus page, deleting it, and then re adding it.
We have fixed the logic with the custom branding flow to ensure your custom brand is consistent, regardless of the campus page published or unpublished status.
Under some scenarios, code cells that had indentation were not showing up with indentation for users with the Student role. We have updated the code cell editor to indent code consistently regardless of role.
Under some scenarios, the context manager would complete with a status in error when creating new context labels. The IllumIDesk Team has improved tasks in the pipeline to handle different edge cases more gracefully to reduce the likelihood of a failed context label job.
We are super excited to announce that you can now chat with your documents using IllumiDesk's chat! To get started, open the chat interface as you normally would and then select the context manager icon to add your documents. Once the context label is ready, the chat will have access to the documents.
With this new feature, use cases such as student-facing tutors for specific subjects, and general Q&A when developing courses, among others, are now available.
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